Autumn 2024 Sermon Series: 
O Come Let Us Adore Him



What does it mean to worship God in every area of our lives? This sermon series looks at various aspects of worship - well beyond what we do on a Sunday at church. 

24th November 2024: O Come let us adore him - the gift of God's presence



Exodus 33:12-23
Luke 23: 39-47


In theory, God is far too holy for us to approach. But he is willing to give us the gift of his presence and draw us to himself. Lou Peet thinks about what that means as we worship him.



17th November 2024: O Come let us adore him - with whole-life worship



Romans 12: 1-18
John 4: 19-24


Revd Matthew shares a last sermon with us, asking what it means to use our whole lives as acts of worship and service. Where is God calling us to use our gifts to give him glory?



10th November 2024: O Come let us adore him - in good and bad



Job 1: 13-22

Matthew 14: 25-33


Can we worship God even when things are going wrong? Revd Abby looks at the story of Job and asks what worshipping can do for and in us, even as we grieve and struggle.



3rd November 2024: O Come let us adore him - Called to worship




Exodus 3: 1-12


If we're created to worship, why does God need to call us to worship him with our whole lives? Revd Matthew asks the question and thinks about Moses and God's call to him.



27th October 2024: O Come let us adore him - Created to worship



Isaiah 43: 5-12

Mark 12: 28-34


Beginning our new series on Whole-life worship, Revd Abby looks at how we were created to worship God and what happens when we put other things above him. 



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