Archive: Spring 2024
Journeys of Faith

What can we learn from the journeys of faith that we see in the bible? How does God call us to move physically, emotionally and spiritually? And what can we learn from those whose stories we hear in scripture?

14th April 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Road to Emmaus

1 John 3: 1-7
Luke 24: 13-35


As we begin our new sermon series, looking at some of the journeys of faith we see in the bible, we think about a 7 mile trip that two disciples took - from disappointment to hope. What does this mean for our journeys with Jesus?



28th April 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Moses

Exodus 14: 10-31
John 3: 11-15


Moses was sent on a very big journey by God - and it started by being chased by Pharoah's armies. What does Moses's story teach us about trust and letting God lead us? Rosie helps us think about what this might mean.  



21st April 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Abraham

Genesis 12: 1-9
John 8: 31-40


God called Abraham to follow him on a unexpected journey into an unknown land. Revd John asks what this journey might teach us about God's promises and faithfulness, even when we don't know where we are being led. 



5th May 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Jonah

Jonah 2 and 3


Jonah discovered that you can't run away from God when he has a plan for you. Revd Abby asks what the story of his journeys says about second chances - the ones we get from God and the ones, like Jonah, we are meant to offer to others. 



12th May 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Ruth

Ruth 1: 3-22
Matthew 1: 1-6


How do you go from being a destitute widow, following a beloved mother-in-law, to the great-grandmother of King David and named in the genealogy of Jesus? Revd Matthew talks about the amazing journey of faith Ruth took. 



19th May 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Pentecost

Acts 2: 1-21
John 15: 26-27, 16: 4b-15


The day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit fell on the followers of Jesus in Jerusalem, was full of different kinds of journeys. Revd Abby asks what journey of mission or transformation the Holy Spirit might be kick-starting in each of us today.



26th May 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Nehemiah

Nehemiah 2: 1-18
Acts 15: 12-18


Nehemiah's heart's desire was to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem and he had the audacity to ask to go and do it. Revd Matthew asks what God might be calling us to rebuild from ruins and whether we are bold enough to try.



2nd June 2024: 
Journeys of Faith: Woman at the well

John 4: 7-30


How did Jesus turn a woman's journey from despair and sorrow to hope and faith? Revd Abby thinks about the living water that Jesus offered her and offers all of us - where do we need his everlasting love and gentle transformation? 



Other archived sermon series

Catch up with other sermon series at the following links....


Autumn 2023: The 5 Rs - key values for discipleship

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